Thursday, August 22, 2024


Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; and therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him. (Isaiah 30:18 NKJV)

There are many illustrations of this divine method in the Word of God. The Angel at Jabbok waited till Jacob could wrestle no more, being completely exhausted by his struggles; and then, as his helpless antagonist clung to Him for support, He whispered in his ear His mystic name and blessed him there.

Our Lord waited till the Syrophenician woman fell helpless at His feet, with the cry: "Lord, help me!" that He might grant to her the request she craved for her child. From His throne in heaven He pursued the same method, waiting to be gracious till the Apostles and others in the upper room had reached such a condition of helplessness that He could give them their Pentecost; waiting till the little group of disciples had exhausted every other possibility, that He might release to them Peter from his prison; waiting till Paul had renounced all creative energy, that He might make him strong in His almighty power, while He whispered: "My grace is sufficient for thee; My strength is made perfect in weakness."

Too often we have misinterpreted God's dealings with us. When He has tarried beyond the Jordan, in spite of our requests that He should hasten to save Lazarus, we have concluded that He was strangely neglectful. But, in fact, He was waiting, at no small cost to His heart, till we had come to the end of ourselves, and the way was clear for Him to work a more astounding miracle than we had dared to hope.

God's delays are not denials; they are neither neglectful nor unkind. He is waiting with watchful eye and intent for the precise moment to strike, when He can give a blessing which will be without doubt, and will flood all after life with blessings so royal, so plenteous, so divine, that eternity will be too short to utter all our praise.


We ask from the treasures of Your grace for a more childlike trust, a more faithful spirit, a more loyal will. May our obedience open up to us all spiritual knowledge. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

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