Saturday, June 29, 2024


And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. (Luke 1:46-47 NKJV)

"Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people, (Luke 1:68 NKJV)

These two songs have floated down through the centuries, stirring human hearts with the ecstasy of their triumph. It is not given to all us the ability to express our exultation in words so eloquent and musical, but all may become as saturated with the words of Scripture as Mary was, and all may triumph in Jesus Christ as gladly as did Zacharias, and show forth His praise, as did these two holy souls.

The most wonderful thing for us all is that God looks upon our low estate. The greater His blessing, the more unworthy we feel of it. There is no reason why He has stooped to our lowliness and obscurity except that He would. He does great things for the weakest and merciful things for the unworthiest, for His Name's sake, "Holy is His Name." In other words, there is no accounting for the putting forth of God's power and love, except His own glorious character.

Princes are put down from their thrones, because they have become proud and tyrannical; while those of low degree are exalted by God, because in obscurity they have been educated in virtue, which cannot but rise to the level of its specific gravity. The rich are often sent away empty, because they have no taste or desire for true riches which alone can satisfy. Whether the hunger is for love, or for the power to do well, or for the best gifts that the Spirit of God can bestow, whoever fulfils the conditions of humility and faith, these are "filled with good things." "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."

The little baby, known afterwards as John the Baptist, was probably lying in his father's arms, when he burst forth into this glorious song. Let us see to it that we use every opportunity of making known God's wondrous salvation, of pointing men to the only source of forgiveness. Nothing encourages faith as the proclamation of what God is prepared to do for those who trust Him, and when it dawns upon men that there are treasures in Christ which shall enrich their poverty and dissipate their hopelessness, they will yield themselves to be led into the ways of peace even by a little child!


We thank You, O heavenly Father, for life and light and love; for the light of Your mercy shining across our path, revealing to us Your infinite love without beginning or end. May the name of our Lord Jesus be glorified in us. It is in His name I pray, AMEN.

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