Saturday, June 4, 2022


For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building.
(1 Corinthians 3:9 NKJV)

In this chapter the apostle describes the Church as a garden or vineyard, in which the divine Spirit is ever at work, superintending, directing, inspiring, and calling to co-operate with Him all His servants, whether they be Paul, Apollos, or Cephas; or as a vast temple, rising through the ages, requiring laborers to lay the foundations, others to build the walls, and others to put the final touches in the light of an accomplished purpose. In each case, the design, the successive stages of advancing progress, the engagement of the workers, the direction of their labors and their reward is entirely with the husbandman and the master builder. It is not our work, but His; we are not responsible for the results, but only to do His will; He repays us by generous rewards, but there our responsibility ends. When the garden stands in its mature beauty, and yields the prolific fruit of autumn; when the building is completed and stands in symmetrical glory amidst the wrecks of time, then those who have co-operated will stand aside, and "God will be all in all."

All through human industry there is this co-operation between God and man. He stores the cellars of the earth with gold or coal, and it is for man to excavate it; He fills the hedgerows and woodlands with wild fruits and flowers, it is for man to cultivate them; He fills the earth with iron, copper, and other priceless treasures, it is for man to work them into all manner of useful implements. In every harvest field, garden, orchard, industry, and employment of natural law for the purpose of civilization, there is this combined effort of God and man. God's energy works according to laws, which man must study as the key to the unlocking of the forces which he uses to flash his messages, guide the airplane or motor, or speed him across the ocean.

In the Church the same law prevails. God has given the Word, but the company of preachers is needed to proclaim it. The Words of inspiration burn with the fire of God, but man is called in to translate them into every language under heaven. The saving power of Christ waits to heal and bless, but He needs the co-operation of the human hand and life as the medium through which His virtue passes. Those whom God calls into fellowship in serving others may count on Him for the supply of all their needs (1 Corinthians 3:21-23).


Heavenly Father, show me how I may work with You, and in what direction are Your energies going forth that I may walk and work in fellowship with Yourself.  I pray it in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #155:
When I open My hand, I provide for all that I have created.

Psalm 145:16 (WEB)
You open your hand,
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.


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