Thursday, May 19, 2022


Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance.  (Psalm 42:5, Psalm 43:5 NKJV)

These two Psalms are evidently one. See how the same refrain rings through them both! They are generally assigned to that sad time in David's history, when the rebellion of his favorite son, Absalom, drove him as an exile beyond the Jordan (2 Samuel 15:14). But amid the great sorrows that rolled over his soul, there was one glad ingredient. Three times the Psalmist encourages himself to hope! For many a sorrowful soul, this is a true symbol. Amid all the disappointment and despair of life, there is always one chord of hope, God! We may stand amid the wreck of our earthly hopes. Through misconduct or mistake, as the result of folly or sin, we may have reduced ourselves and those dear to us to the last degree of misery; but the soul may always turn from its low estate to God, to be sure that He will have mercy, will abundantly pardon, and will turn again the adverse pressure of the tide.

See how the broken hearted may still speak of God! This man had grievously sinned. He seemed to have forfeited all claim on God's recognition and care. He had brought shame and disgrace on the cause of religion. All down the years the story of his wrong doing would give the enemies of truth abundant reason to blaspheme. And yet see how he dares to speak of God! He describes Him as the God of his life, as his rock, as the health of his countenance, the God of his strength, and the gladness of his joy. This is a great lesson! We may change, but God never changes.  We may turn our face from Him, or allow some evil thing to loom between ourselves and the clear shining of His face. But he shines on, and when we confess our sins, and put them away, we find ourselves afresh in the clear shaft of His illuminating rays. You may have lost all hope in yourself, your friends, your circumstances, but you must never lose your hope in God.

The past, which can only be viewed with repentance, is forgiven; the present, in which God is willing to be our all-in-all; the future, when again the soul shall praise Him with joyful lips. Hope looks into the future. "I shall yet praise Him."


Our Father, forgive, we pray You, our murmuring and discontent, our perverseness and waywardness. Teach us to discern the silver edge of the lowering clouds, and to trust Your love, which is leading us safely and by a right way to our home. I pray in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #139: 
I will repay those who are kind to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17 (WEB)
He who has pity on the poor lends to Yahweh;
he will reward him.

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