Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.
  (Hosea 6:3 NKJV)

Some people do not seem to desire to advance in the knowledge of God. They have not seen the heavenly vision. Religion to them consists in saying, over and over again, the same prayers that they have used for years, and reading a prescribed portion of Scripture. This is better than nothing, but they cannot appropriate David's comparison between himself and the hunted deer that pants for the water-brook, or our Lord's blessing for those that "hunger and thirst after righteousness."

But with others, there is a longing for a further advance. Like the Apostle, they are pressing toward the mark, though it seems to evade them and to recede! They are like the blind man, on whom our Lord wrought the miracle. First, he saw men as trees walking, dimly appreciating the glory of perfect vision; but, presently, as those dear hands touched him again, he saw clearly. Is there one who reads this page who does not long for this clear vision, this knowledge of God! Let us not desist in our quest, but follow on! When the last lesson is learned, the last and deepest surrender taken, the final act of faith accomplished, the partition will be removed, and we shall know what Pascal meant when he wrote: "The world hath not known Thee, but I have known Thee. Joy! Joy! Joy! Tears of Joy!" For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. (! Corinthians 13:12 NKJV)

God has a way of His own for each of us. "His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain." Some are taken by a sudden sense of the reality and vision of the eternal world that hides behind the veil of sense. Others, as they partake of the bread and fruit of the vine during communion, have such a vision of the love of Jesus, that they are more than satisfied. At any time a heavenly door may open before the knock of the seeker; or, we may suddenly look up and see His face, and exclaim with Paul: "The Lord is at hand!" We shall see His hand beckoning to us, and we shall arise and follow into that world of reality and love that is so near, but sometimes seems so far!


Heavenly Father! Give us this second sight, we ask of You! Lift us up, by Your strong arm, above the mists and darkness of the valley, to walk with You on the high level of Your manifested presence and glory. In Jesus’ name I ask it, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise


Promise #61:
My throne will stand forever and justice will reign in My kingdom. 

Psalm 45:6 (WEB)
Your throne, God, is forever and ever.
A scepter of equity is the scepter of your kingdom.

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