Wednesday, March 9, 2022



Peter said to Him, "Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake."
  (John 13:37 NKJV)

Peter was very impulsive when he made the statement, Lord, why can I not follow You now? It’s so easy to rush into the battle, where excitement and passion may be trusted to render us oblivious to pain and discomfort, than to stand at our post through the long cold nights on sentry duty.

He made the mistake of miscalculating the might and power of the evil one, Satan. It was the hour of the power of darkness. The moment was at hand in which the prince of darkness would make the supreme effort to hold his own, and refuse to be cast out.

Peter miscalculated his own strength, and relied upon the strength of his emotion. He had no conception of how much need there was for something more than the strong fervor of passionate affection.

Peter miscalculated the weapons he needed to win the confrontation. He had a literal sword, and thought that it would be sufficient to draw it and strike with all his might, as he did cutting off the ear of Malchus. He expected that with his fervent passion for Christ on the one hand, and cold steel on the other, he would be able to follow wherever Jesus led. But it is not possible for human enthusiasm to sustain the soul, when it comes to close grips with the great enemy of the Kingdom of God.

Peter miscalculated the help that comes through prayer. He was so confident that he slept instead of praying. Three times the Lord came to remind him of the urgent need for watching against the hour of trial, but His words were unheeded, because the advice seemed needless. Why should he pray, when he had already made up his mind!

Then the crash came, and he went out a broken-hearted man! We too have failed in like manner. We have swung the cold steel of strong determination. But the disillusioning process has set in, and we have sorrowfully proved that it is not by flesh and blood that we can enter the kingdom. Let’s not forget our Lord's comforting words to Peter: "Thou shalt follow Me afterwards."


Lord, we would follow where ever You go, but we are weak and helpless, and our own strength will fail in the final test. May we not trust in our own resolutions or vows, but in the saving strength of Your right hand. In Your name I pray, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #68:
Your old life is dead and your new life is hid with Christ in Me. 

Colossians 3:3 (WEB)
For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

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