Saturday, February 26, 2022


In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.
  (Isaiah 6:1 NKJV)

We live in troubled times, but always in human history, when outward events seem most distracting and distressing. God's servants are drawn into the secret place of the Most High, and are shown the reassuring vision of God's overruling providence, and the ordered regularity of His eternal reign. When the land was passing through dark distress, and revolution was imminent, Isaiah beheld the stability of God's throne.

"It was high and lifted up," far above all other authority, power, or dominion in heaven, on earth, or under the earth! It was crowned with love, "above it stood the seraphim." seraph is derived from fire, and the seraphim stand for radiant love. If the throne stands for stability, for judgment, and for power, then above all these attributes, and over-shadowing Him who sits there, is love. This is the loftiest conception possible to mortals, supreme love. The Lamb that was slain is in the midst of the throne.

The one man who was chosen out of all Israel to see this was Isaiah. In all humility he ascended the temple steps, hustled by the crowds that went there as a mere religious form. Most of them appeared to need a revealing vision more than he did, but it was the man who had seen, who now saw the Lord; it was the one saint in all Israel who appeared to be most in touch with God, who was brought into still closer touch. The rest saw only the temple, the high altar, and the ritual, but he saw the "skirts of glory" filling every cranny of the holy place.

Let’s not be satisfied with the outward and sensuous, with ritual however splendid, with sermons however magnificent! Those who are humble and persistent in their quest for God will hear notes which other ears cannot catch, will detect a presence that evades ordinary sight, will enter the realm of the spirit which is closed to the outward observer.

The world may be full of trouble; the floods have lifted up their voice, but the Lord on high is mighty, and He shall overcome, for through death, resurrection, and ascension He is Lord of lords and King of kings!


We cannot understand the meaning of the darkness and trouble around us, but we know that You are love, and that You reign. May we see You raised above principality and power, might and dominion. Glory and blessing, honor and power be unto You, O Son of God, who is the man amid the sapphire throne.  In Your name I pray, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #57:
When your body fails, you have an eternal home waiting for you. 

2 Corinthians 5:1 (WEB)
For we know that if the earthly house of our tent is dissolved,
we have a building from God, a house not made with hands,
eternal, in the heavens.

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