Friday, February 11, 2022


But there the majestic Lord will be for us a place of broad rivers and streams, in which no galley with oars will sail, nor majestic ships pass by (For the Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us);
  (Isaiah 33:21, 22 NKJV)

The reference can only be to our Savior, who is the Divine Vice-regent of the world. Through Him it was created, by Him it has been redeemed, in Him its government is vested. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords. His are the glories of the cross, of victory over death and hell, of the ascension, of Pentecost, of the eternal heavenly reign, and of the judgment seat!

And this glorious and transcendent Savior is willing and eager to be the complement of our deficiencies and needs. We look around, and some of us, as we compare our lot with others, lament, even if we do not audibly complain, at our disadvantages. Others, whom we have known from childhood, seem to have all that a heart could wish--a happy married life, a spacious and beautiful home, hosts of friends, buoyant health, and opportunities of travel and enjoyment that are denied to us. We have been plagued all the day long, and chastened every morning. We have spent a shut-in, cloistered life. The bare necessaries of life have been our only portion, and a sense of anxiety as to our future has haunted our dreams.

But we are not alone in this experience. When every one went to his own home, our Lord Jesus spent the night on the Mount of Olives. The birds had their nests, and the foxes their holes, but the Son of Man had no where to lay His head, but, like Jacob, wanted to make a stone his pillow. You are not singular, therefore, if your life is barren and lonely, for many of God's noblest saints have lived from hand to mouth, wandering in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented.

Remember that such experiences are designed to bring into prominence what the glorious Lord is prepared to be and do. In mathematics we speak of the complement of a curve--that which is needed to make a curve into a complete circle. So Jesus is willing to complete our lives, however imperfect and ineffective they may be. He is able to compensate for all deficiencies, and to become in your experience "a place of broad rivers and streams." A river to intercept dreaded evil, and a stream to refresh and fertilize the drooping thirsty heart. 


Be to us, glorious Lord, a place of broad rivers and streams; our Judge, our Lawgiver, our King, our Savior. Make the wilderness of our life a pool, and the dry land water springs. For it is in Your name I pray, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Psalm 91:15 (WEB)

He will call on me, and I will answer him.
I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver him, and honor him.

Promise #42: Call on Me when you are in trouble and I will rescue you. 


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