Wednesday, October 27, 2021


The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose;
(Isaiah 35:1 NKJV)

There are three things that make spring time in the soul. The sense of God's presence. We know that He is near, though the woods are bare, the frost holds the earth in its iron grip, and the wind gathers together the dead leaves; but we feel Him nearer when every hedgerow is clothed with flowers, every bush burns with fire, every tree claps its leafy hands, and every avenue is filled with sweet choirs. The optimism of a limitless hope. Spring is the minstrel of hope. She takes her lyre and sings of the fair summer, which is on her way. Life pours through a myriad channels, and shows itself stronger than death for spring is victorious over winter, as good shall prove to be over evil. The exuberance of love. Spring is the time of love. The whole creation is attracted by a natural affinity, and love rules in forest and field.

These three elements met in the hearts of the returning exiles, and made the world seem young and fair again. The heart views the outer world in lines borrowed from itself. When life is young and joyful, all the echoes ring with joy notes; but when the joy of life is fled, what mockery comes back on us from even the tenderest outward scenes!

For us, the lesson is clear. Cherish the sense of the presents of God; cultivate an illimitable hope; be conscious of a love flowing towards you and from you. Dwell on the loving-kindness and tender mercy that have preceded and followed you all the days of your life, and for you, too, the wilderness and solitary place will be glad. After all, life is not altogether what circumstances make it. They may be everything that the heart can wish, and yet the Frost King may reign within and ease its icy mantle over all; whereas there are men and women who have everything adverse in their circumstances, but because they have Spring in their hearts, they find flowers and songs everywhere.

The thirsty land shall become springs of water. You know what thirst means--for human affection, for appreciation, for a word of cheer, for success! Yes, that thirsty land! But when your heart is full of God you will find it musical with streams, and in the places where dragons lay there will be a bouquet of flowers.


Lord Jesus, bring us back from our captivity. Fill our hearts with the sense of Your presence that they may be transformed and renewed, and filled with the spirit of heaven. In your holy name I pray, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #300:
Jesus is happy to share His inheritance with you.

Romans 8:16-17 (WEB)
16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God;
17 and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ;
if indeed we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him.



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