Sunday, August 8, 2021


And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
(Colossians 3:17)

Nothing it is more disastrous than an aimless life! God endows each soul for a distinct purpose. Probably in every life there is a lucid moment, when we take our bearings, and there flashes before us a glimpse of the life work for which we were sent forth. We stand on the mount of vision, like Moses, and see the pattern of the tabernacle, which we are presently to erect. God has a purpose for the soul, as well as for the body, all the members of which were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them (Psalm 139:16).  Is it conceivable that He should spend thought and care on the body, and have no purpose for the soul? But if that be so, He will reveal His will; He will gradually unfold our life purpose step by step. Let's go steadily forward reckoning on our Almighty Friend to supply the needed grace, wisdom, and strength.

When the captain of a football team runs the field for the goal, the crowd watching his every movement, he is probably saying to himself: "I am going to score this goal, to say the least!" As he faces his opponents, who may be swifter and cleverer; it is as though he says: "You may be quicker and smarter, but I am going to win out!" It is in such a spirit that each of us should step out to face life: "I am going to win today, by God's grace."

Never forget that God is working with you. "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me." He will not desert the work of His own hands! In my long life of sixty-nine years, I have experienced more fluctuations and difficulties than perhaps most, but I unhesitatingly assert that where God gives the plan He stands as a guarantee for the result! Dare to trust Him and keep in step with Him as He leads you onward.


Heavenly Father, the God of all goodness and all grace, Who is worthy of a greater love than we can either give or understand; fill my heart with such love towards You as may cast out all doubt and fear, that nothing may seem too hard for me to do or to suffer in obedience to You. I pray it in Christ name, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #220:
If you walk in the light, the blood of My Son Jesus will cleanse you from all sin.

1 John 1:7 (WEB)
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, 
we have fellowship with one another, 
and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son,
cleanses us from all sin.


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