Saturday, July 17, 2021


“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
  (Matthew 20:1 NKJV)

Our Lord, beneath the veil of this parable, tells us what God is like. The heart of God our Father yearns over the perishing souls of men. For some reason, at present withheld, He must have the co-operation of men to reach the hearts of men, and therefore at every stage of life He approaches us, saying, "Go work! During what remains of life's brief day, go work in My vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. I need you to help in the salvation of the myriads of souls, whose redemption I am seeking with blood and tears."

He comes to you, dear children, in the dawn of your life. The dew is still in the grass, the birds are only just awaking from their dreams, life is yet the spring, and God's voice comes to you, saying: "I want you to help Me in my great vineyard. The ground needs weeding, the vines require watering and pruning, there is much to do and few to do it, and I have a tiny plot for you to cultivate. Make haste and come."

He comes to you, young men and women. Three hours have passed, and is yet you are standing idle, and have not chosen your life work. Are you going to be a missionary, or minister, a doctor, or school teacher; does art, music, or commerce appeal to you? Whatever sphere you choose, let it be subordinated to the one great purpose of helping God to save the world.

He comes to you who are in the meridian or late afternoon of life. Perhaps you have been fortunate enough to make a competence, and need not toil as formerly. To you the Master comes, saying, "Go, work in My vineyard. Administer your money, time, and influence for Me." Even though it be but an hour before sunset, the same urgent appeal rings out; though you have been unemployed all the days, He seeks your help. Oh, that the urgency of God's compassions may touch and move us! Will you listen to the call of the great Husbandman, and now answer in your heart, "Here am I, send me"?


God, we have heard Your call! Will You accept our hands to labor for You, and our lips to speak for You. Send us into Your vineyard, and use us in Your holy service. I pray it In Christ’s holy name, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #198:
I will save you in the midst of your troubles.

Psalm 138:7 (WEB)
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me. 
You will stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies. 
Your right hand will save me.


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