Friday, July 30, 2021


Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
(Psalm 37:7 NKJV)

It's a mistake to be always turning back to recover the past. The law for Christian living is not backward, but forward; not for experiences that lie behind, but for doing the will of God, which is always ahead and beckoning us to follow. Leave the things that are behind, and reach forward to those that are before, for on each new height to which we attain, there are the appropriate joys that befit the new experience. Don't fret because life's joys are fled. There are more in front. Look up; press forward, the best is yet to be!

Fret not because your ideals appear to mock you. Every ideal which we cherish is the herald and precursor of a reality which, in a better form than ever we dreamed, shall one day come to our possession. The ancient alchemists spent their lives in the pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone, which they thought would turn every substance it touched to gold. They never discovered it, but they laid the foundations of modern chemistry, which has been more fruitful in its blessing to our race than the famous magic stone would have been. Who shall say that those old explorers were deceived? Was not God leading them on, by a way that they knew not, to better things than they dreamed?

Fret not because the future seems dark. After all, the troubles we anticipate may never really befall. It is a long lane without a turning, and the dreariest day has some glint of light. In any case, worrying will not help matters; it can alter neither the future nor the past, though it will materially affect our power in dealing with troubles. It will not rob tomorrow of its difficulties, but it will rob your brain of its clear sightedness, and your heart of its courage. Let's turn to God with faith and prayer, looking out for the one or two patches of blue which are in every sky. And if you can't discover where you are, dare to anticipate the time when God shall make all things work together for good to them that love Him.


Heavenly Father, we have been careful and troubled about many things. Forgive us, and breathe into our hearts a great faith in You, that doubts and fears may not be able to break in on our peace. Fence us around today as with a wall of fire; let us hear Your voice saying: Fear not, I am with you. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #211:
One day, you will see My face and My name will be on your forehead.

Revelation 22:4 (WEB)
They will see his face, 
and his name will be on their foreheads.


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