Friday, May 14, 2021


Lord, I have loved the habitation of Your house, and the place where Your glory dwells.  (Psalm 26:8 NKJV)

  Probably we never value the house of God so much as when we are cut off from it. The author of this Psalm was evidently in exile.

He envied the very birds that nested in the holy places where he had not been able to worship. The pilgrims who were on their way there, and the door keepers who stood on the threshold, seemed to his ardent longing in better shape than himself. Robinson Crusoe missed the sound of the church bell when no longer able to obey its call. There is a strange fascination in the sound of worship for those who for years have been deprived of its privilege. Let’s be thankful for "the means of grace" and reverently make good use of them while we can.

In order to find God's tabernacles "lovely," we must love the Lord of hosts as our King and God. Put God in His right place in your heart and life, and you will love His palaces. When God is worshipped as King, we shall be reverent, we shall be punctual, and we shall come with prepared and expectant hearts. Any detraction in the manner of the minister, the singing of the songs, the atmosphere of the place, will not affect the soul which is occupied with God.

It is blessed when the highways to Zion have a place in a man's heart, when he is set on them, dreams of them, and loves them because of the goal to which they lead. On our earthly pilgrimage we have our valleys of depression and crying, as well as our transfiguration heights. Thank God that life is not one long dull monotony. Let us not find fault with the road, but make the best of it. Every phase of our experience has its compensations. Look out for them. If you take the valley you will find the water spring; if you take the hill, you will get the horizon. But whichever valley or hill either brings you to your desired goal.

This Psalm makes it clear that God is the shield of His people. In the night He is our Sun; in the day, when the sunbeams strike us like swords, He is our shield (Psalm 121:5-6). Whatever your lot God will be its equivalent. When the soul has incurred disaster and pursuit, what a comfort it is to hide in God as our shield. What an iron plated door is in the blast of fire along the corridor, God is to the soul that escapes to Him. He is with us behind, as well as before.


Give us grace, we ask You, heavenly Father, not to miss, by our apathy or unbelief, that which You wait to give us. Teach us how to appropriate what You offer, and to receive what You would give.  I pray in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

God's Daily Promise

Promise #134: 
I hear your voice when you call to Me in the morning.

Psalm 5:3 (WEB)
Yahweh, in the morning you shall hear my voice.
In the morning I will lay my requests before you,
and will watch expectantly.

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