Sunday, April 25, 2021


A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones
(Proverbs 17:22 NKJV).

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, (1Thessalonians 5:16-17 NKJV)


 A happy and cheerful heart is a matter of cultivation. We cannot afford to abandon ourselves entirely to our moods. There are times when we feel depressed and sad, for no special reason, except that a mood is on us! It is at such times that we need to anoint our heads, and wash our faces, that we may not be consumed by our fretfulness, or impose our depression upon others, for nothing is worse than to be a wet blanket! (Matthew 6:16-18). 

On the other hand, there is nothing more objectionable than to be always in the presence of a comic who thinks that every occasion must serve for joking. After a time one gets as tired of funny stories and perpetual punning as of gloom, but while avoiding this extreme, we must not fall into the other of wearing a sour expression and giving way to moodiness of spirit, which cannot be accounted for.

We may alter our dispositions and moods by a resolute action of the will. We can refuse to look miserable, to speak mournfully, to be pessimistic, and to pass on depression. In a spirit of unselfishness we can put on a cheerful courage, dress ourselves in the garments of joy, anoint ourselves with the spirit of praise and thankfulness, and go forth into the world to shed sunbeams rather than shadows on the path of life. Do not nurse your sorrow of heart, lest your spirit and the spirits of others be broken.

We can promote a cheerful heart by dwelling on the bright things of our life; by counting up the mercies which are left, rather than dwelling on what we have lost. When the heart is full of the light and love of God, can it be other than cheerful? How can this be obtained except by a living union with Jesus Christ. In Him there is an infinitesimal supply of peace and joy, sunshine and light. Let’s open our hearts to him, and put on these things as we dress ourselves each morning in our garments (Isaiah 61:3-10).


Through all the changing scenes of life,

In trouble and in joy,

The praises of my God shall still

My heart and tongue employ. AMEN.

 God's Daily Promise

 Promise #115:
Even when you are weak in your faith, I will remain faithful to you.

2 Timothy 2:13 (WEB)
If we are faithless, he remains faithful.
He can’t deny himself.”



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