Sunday, January 3, 2021



I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known unto you. (John 15:15) 

I have read somewhere that when Michael Angelo was in the height of his fame, a boy named Raphael, destined to be his worthy successor, was introduced to him as a promising pupil. At first the boy was employed doing the most menial tasks around the studio, cleaning brushes and mixing paints.  However, as he developed the qualities of exactness, punctuality, and sympathy, he became entrusted with increasing responsibility, until the master made him his friend and confidant. Isn’t that the way we come to Christ.  First, we come as a redeemed soul from the slavery of Satan. Then, we become His servants. Then and only then will He begin to call us His friends.

A friend will reveal himself. If he calls me his friend, I expect to get closer to him and hear from his own lips words of truth and wisdom. Thus it is with the Lord Jesus. He manifests Himself to those who love Him, and keep His commandments.  He doesn’t do this to those who choose to continue going through the broad gate of worldliness and condemnation.  He is only a friend to those who choose to go through the straight gate that leads to righteousness and eternal life.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.  (Matthew 7: 13, 14)

A friend will interest his friends in his undertakings. It is a joy to Christ when those whom He loves are able to take a share in His world-wide redemptive schemes. For us, of course, it is a high honor, but it is a great pleasure and delight to Him as well. It is wonderful thought to know that Jesus is glad to have us as His fellow-workers.

A friend will be interested in our failures and successes. So it is with our friend, Jesus. When He sees some peril menacing us, doesn’t He make the circumstance one of special intercession? If we fail, He meets us with the same tender affection, not alienated from us, but only intensely sorry, ready to point out the cause of our failure and to encourage us to try again. If we stand our ground, He meets us as we come forth from the fight, glad for us, eager to refresh us in our weariness, and careful to heal any wound that we may have received.

Such is the Friendship of Jesus. He is always the same, His love never fails, and its manifestations are never inconsistent. Doesn’t that make it worthwhile to make every effort to keep His commandments so that our complete abandonment to Him may bring His complete abandonment to us?


Heavenly Father, we pray that Jesus Christ may become dearer to us. May we love Him as a personal Friend, and hide ourselves in the hourly consciousness of His presence. May we have no taste or desire for things which He would disapprove.  Let His love restrain us from living for ourselves and living for His glory instead.  In His name we pray, AMEN.

 God’s Daily Promise

Promise #3:
The intentions of My heart will remain steadfast forever. 

Psalm 33:11 (WEB)
The counsel of Yahweh stands fast forever,
the thoughts of his heart to all generations.

Promise #3: The intentions of My heart will remain steadfast forever. 

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